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Camp Experiences

Schools may be out for the summer, but learning doesn’t have to stop

Seattle Young Engineers

Summer Camp 2020

Young Engineers - Camps program is opening its doors to anyone who loves to experience, to experiment, but especially to enjoy Lego construction, an experiential and challenging learning, with games and scientific experiments that visualize natural phenomena and the forces acting around them.


Each day, the children will participate in a variety of diverse and enriching activities classified in different subjects. Likewise, the children will enjoy an educational experience, build an electric motor Lego model by their own, a central activity including experiential experiments and creative work. Every day, the children will take a souvenir from that day's work, which they will be able to share and show.

Young Engineers - Camps are classified into four concepts that contain a variety of activities, a day activity may contain sessions of one subject or a variety of activities on many subjects.




YE Camps Webinar 2017.jpg

July 6 – July 10 - FULL

Aug 3 – Aug 7 - 3 Spots Open

Aug 24 – Aug 28 - 4 Spots Open

Superhero Camp

July 20 – July 24 - Cancelled

Aug 17 – Aug 21 - Cancelled

Candy Camp

July 13 – July 17 - 4 Spots Open

Aug 10 – Aug 14 - 7 Spots Open

Adventure Camp

July 27 – July 31 - Cancelled

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Science Camp

In this Camp, children will learn the laws and concepts of the world of science, math and engineering, through a combination of learning and challenging construction experience combined with experiments that they will even be able to take home.

Sample Schedule - Full Day Camp

**Breaks/Outdoor Activities not included in the above schedule

Register Now 

Science Camp

Superhero Camp

In this Camp, children will learn the laws and concepts of the world of science, math and engineering, through a combination of learning and challenging construction experience combined with experiments that they will even be able to take home.

Sample Schedule - Full Day Camp

**Breaks/Outdoor Activities not included in the above schedule

Superhero Camp

Candy Camp

In this Camp, children will learn the laws and concepts of the world of science, math and engineering, through a combination of learning and challenging construction experience combined with experiments that they will even be able to take home.

Sample Schedule - Full Day Camp

**Breaks/Outdoor Activities not included in the above schedule

Register Now 

Candy Camp

Adventure Camp

In this Camp, children will learn the laws and concepts of the world of science, math and engineering, through a combination of learning and challenging construction experience combined with experiments that they will even be able to take home.

Sample Schedule - Full Day Camp

**Breaks/Outdoor Activities not included in the above schedule

Register Now 

Adventure Camp
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